Elders at Wabash

In the Old Testament, Elders were established for leadership and oversight of groups of people like Israel. For many people, the church did not launch until New Testament. In the New Testament, this office is continued and adapted to Christ's church. The most common Greek word for Elder, "Presbuteros", is where we get the word Presbyterian, a church led by Elders. Those who fill this office today, in the EPC Church, are called Ruling Elders. Chosen by the members of Wabash Church, these Elders are to lead, teach, admonish, preach the word, and watch over the spiritual welfare of the congregation. It is the first duty of the Elder to represent the mind of Christ through discernment of written Word and the direction of the Holy Spirit, in the various courts and activities of the Church. According to Scripture, those who bear the office of Elder should be mature believers, led by the Holy Spirit, who exhibit a manner of life that conforms to the biblical description of an Elder in Christ’s Church (Exodus 18:21; Romans 8:1-17, 12; Timothy 5:17, 3:1-13, 4:13;1 Peter 5:1-2; 2 Timothy 3:13-17,4:2; Titus 1:5-9, Acts 6:4,15:6, 20:28; John 16:13) .

The active Elder Board is referred to as “Session”, and here at Wabash you can find the Elders striving to lead, shepherd, and guide the Church body ever closer to Christ, participating in or leading the many ministries and committees throughout the life of the Church, discipling, teaching, admonishing, giving sermons, serving communion, offering prayer, or just stopping for a chat in the lobby. Find an Elder and say hi!

 Our Elders

Steve Butterfield


Tom Dean

Worship and Children’s Ministry

Zack Eckblad

Discipleship & Evangelism and Vision Team

Brian Hiller

Nominating Committee and Youth Ministry

Keith Hopkins


John Koopman

Adult Education and Reconciliation Team Liaison

Mike Mason

WCC Liaison

Michele Ray

Women’s Ministry

Greg Sauer


Wyatt Schill

Clerk of Session, Men’s Ministry

J.P. Wilcox

Trail Life/AHG and Pastor Search Committee Liaison

Joel Wright

Buildings and Grounds

If you would like to contact the Elders, you can use the form below and your message will be sent to the whole team. Contact information for individual Elders can be found in the current church directory.