The Spectrum of Christian Faith
Here is the Class Syllabus from Week 1 and here is the list of Additional Resources.
Weekly PowerPoints
Week 1 - What does is mean to be a Christian?
Week 2 - What does it mean to say that the Bible is God’s Word?
Week 3 - Why do we have to get baptized?
Week 4 - What does the Lord’s supper mean?
Week 6 - What does it mean to be made in God’s image?
Sefaria - A lviving library of Jewish texts online.
Week 7 - Does God plan everything that happens?
*Week 8 - How does Jesus’ dying mean that we can be saved?
You Have Permission podcast episode featuring Bonnie Kristian, author of A Flexible Faith, talking about atonement theories.
Introductory video to How Jesus Saves by Josh McNall (and likely a future Sunday school class.)
Week 9 - What happens at the end of the world? (Part 1: Hell)
Hellbound? - 2012 documentary by Kevin Miller
Love Unrelenting - 2022 documentary on Christian Universalism
*Week 10 - What happens at the end of the world? (Part 2: Heaven)
Going to Heaven versus Resurrection, the New Heavens and the New Earth podcast with J. Richard Middleton and Dru Johnson.
Fuller studio video of N.T. Wright on Paul’s eschatology.
*Not covered in-person.